Project Name: Improve the lives of the children living in slums areas through education and capacity building (ILCLSAECB)
Project Goal: The project goal is to ensure that the vulnerable and disadvantage children are growing up in a suitable environment to fulfill their human rights and basic needs.
Project Purpose: The purpose of this project are-
- To ensure education and health facilities for the slum dweller children are protected and make the duty bearers responsive.
- To assist children replace their hazardous jobs by ensuring skill training, conducive job support, develop working place environment from the employers and the duty bearers.
Target population: Vulnerable slum and hazardous working children and their families
Project Duration: August’2009 to July 2013
Donor’s Name: Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), Bangladesh
Working Area: Dhaka North City Corporation
Major Achievements:
- 2101 numbers of school age slum children are regularly going to the Government Primary Schools and enjoying in education
- 135 numbers of children have taken skill development training and job access
- 154 numbers of children have leaved hazardous work to work in more than improved and non-hazardous environments
- 283 number of children have reassigned hazard free task and got batter working environment in their respective working place
- 1342 numbers of families have accessed in low cost health, children education and service access facilities.
Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world. More than half of the population live below the poverty line; a large proportion of these people live in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. It is full of urban slums, the amount of people living in these slums has more than doubled in the past decade and reached a shocking 3.4 million in 2006. The inhabitants of these slums are socially and economically vulnerable. They are illiterate and unskilled and are forced to work long hours in exhausting, menial jobs just to provide one, sometimes two meals of rice and potatoes a day.
By considering the above situation this project focuses on enhancing the knowledge, confidence and capacity of slum dwelling families. It has established children’s groups, parents’ groups and women’s groups. It increases the awareness of the value and importance of education and assists children to gain admission to government primary school.
This project also organizes for them skills development activities. This helps the dropout children to learn practical skills to help them participate in mainstream economic activities. The technical education programme intends to expand the range of trades offered.
The programme will bring sustained change to the lives of people project will be working with.
Project Outcomes
- A total number of 1800 school aged children in SOHAY working areas will be enrolled in Government Primary School for education and will enjoy the education facilities, 128 number of children get cultural development (art, Dance and song) facilities at the end of the extension period of this project.
- A total number of 141 children will leave hazardous work to work in more than improved and non-hazardous environments. A total number of 250 children will reassign hazard free task, get good working environment in their respective working place. A 20 number of project supported school going children mother will involve with IGA and ensure their children education. All SOHAY supported families will be against the child labour at the end of the extension period of this project.
- A total number of 800 families will have access to health facilities from Government, NGOs health institute and private health institute with more than low cost and have more awareness on education, health, water and sanitation at the end of the project.
- Local duty bearers and community leaders will become more supportive towards the rights of slum children and working areas people will more conscious and responsible about different important development issues for protect disadvantage people rights and justice at the end of the project.
- Local people were more aware about different development issues which are help to ensure destitute people’s rights and justice and also for this region local civil society will become more supportive towards them at the end of the project.
Major Activity:
- Children group formation
- Provide pre-schooling, tutorial support and cultural development sessions and education materials support
- Sensitize sessions with parents, community and local duty bearers
- Sensitize health service provider for health facilities for the slum dweller children and their families.
- Replace and reassign from their hazardous jobs by ensuring skill training, conducive job support, develop working place environment and advocacy.
- Develop service delivery mechanism among the slum families and local service provider
Number of Children Enrolled in Formal Education Supported Children Enjoying in School
Project Name: Education Assistance for Slum Children
Project Goal: Develop slum children confidence through participation in school with well uniformed and education materials
Target population: Vulnerable slum children
Objective: 700 numbers of disadvantage school going slum children will get education materials support
Major Activity:
- Educational materials distribution (uniform, bag book etc )
- Awareness raising and motivation on child and adult education
Project Implementation Year/ duration: January’2008 to March’2008 and 2010/ January’2010 to June’2010
Working Area: Dhaka North City Corporation
Expected Outcomes: 700 numbers of disadvantage slum children will enjoy in Government primary school with sufficient education materials
Major Achievements:
- 745 children have got school uniform and feel confidence as like as others children in school.
- Reduce school dropout rate dramatically
- Parents have sensitized toward their children education and their responsibility to protect rights.
Donor’s Name: Hope for Children, UK